Troubleshooting --------------------------------------------------- I get "Bad username / password" messages but I entered it correctly! Check /usr/sbin/login_validate. It should be: -r-sr-xr-x 1 root root 5364 Apr 9 11:38 /usr/sbin/login_validate (the size may differ depending on your architecture) --------------------------------------------------- I get garbage displayed in my browser when I try to use nwebmail! If you get something like: ELF ?gi_rewind_F blah blah blah then your web server does not recognise nwebmail as a CGI script. This may be because your cgi-bin is not configured as a CGI directory. Another quick thing to try is to rename nwebmail as nwebmail.cgi, and try using that. Refer to your web server documentation for details. For Apache, the cgi-bin directory is configured like this: Options ExecCGI ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/" nwebmail.cgi should work if you have the line: AddHandler cgi-script .cgi