This is part of the Free Software as Lego Article.
Richard Stallman sent two replies, each addressing a different aspect of the question.
His first applies to a question of modifying GPL code, and is available here.
His second reply applies to the article in general, and is available here.
From: Steve ParkerTo: Date: Sat, 3 Feb 2001 15:32:09 +0000 Subject: Clarification of GPL for user article Mr Stallman, I am not a journalist, no great programmer, but a user of Free Software. I am writing an article comparing and contrasting Free Software with Lego, the children's toy based around small plastic interconnecting bricks. I feel that the Open Source movement have made unclear to many people what free software is all about, and that this analogy is a new and relevant way to express the principles of Free Software to these people, and to others. I would like to take a moment of your time, if you could spare me some, in order to make this article as accurate as possible. I attach a draft of the abstract for your interest. I would be interested in your views on this angle. The article is intended to be published at The writing of this article has brought up again for me a question regarding the GPL, to which I hope you will provide me with an answer, both for my own curiosity, and to ensure the accuracy of the article. My query is about the modification and non-distribution of GPL software. I shall, if I may, give two similar example scenarios: Scenario 1) I modify GPL code - eg emacs - to suit my own needs, purely to use the modified binary on my own system. I never intend, and never do, distribute this in any form. My own interpretation of the GPL is that I am free to do this. Would you also see this as a morally acceptable use of GPL code? Would this view be the same if by distributing the code I would weaken my commercial prospect (eg, competitors could glean information about my business practices, security configuration, etc, from the modified code)? Scenario 2) I modify GPL code - eg a CGI library - to suit my own needs for use on a publicly-available web server. This code is being run, by the general public, on my web server. Should I, in this case, make the code available? Under the GPL, must I? I thank you for your valuable time, Regards, Steve Parker
Articles - Lego