IPTCFG - IP Tables Configuration

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This is IPTCFG - an IPTables Configuration Utility.

This is pre-alpha. I do not recommend you use this at all 
if you do not know IPTABLES!

See the warranty in the GPL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html)
This has less warranty than that ... it's not even expected
to work!

Okay, if you've read this far, you may be interested.

At the moment, the whole thing is written in shell script.
It's tested under Bash, but should work with True Bourne Shell
also. I plan to re-write in C quite possibly...

Actually, the "default.cgi" page doesn't seem to work under
Solaris (ie, True Bourne) .... don't know why, but this is such an early release, it's
crazy. See below for a link of the history of this.

The mkrules script generates a firewall script to be used in
Currently Input and Output rules are supported; Forwarding
rules are inherent in the design, and will follow shortly.

IPTCFG is a CGI-based config. utility for IPTABLES (aka NetFilter), 
the built-in firewall for the Linux kernel, by Rusty Russell and co.

As such, it requires a web server. I've only tested it with Apache 1.3.x

The directory should be readable by Apache
The directory should also be writeable by Apache (or at least cfg.txt)
Apache should be configured to execute .cgi scripts in this directory:
httpd.conf should include:
  LoadModule cgi_module         libexec/mod_cgi.so
  AddModule mod_cgi.c
    DirectoryIndex index.html index.shtml index.cgi
  AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
  Options ExecCGI

If you don't know where, then search around your httpd.conf, or
ask me at iptcfg@steve-parker.org.

If you get "Forbidden" or "Permission Denied" messages, check the
permissions, and see what user Apache runs as.

Or you can read the history of this stupid project.