Photos of Loch Long
Like an idiot, I took all my camera gear, but no SD card, and couldn't find one to buy anywhere! These are all snaps taken crossly on my phone, just to point out what lovely photos I could have taken if I wasn't such a stupid idiot!
Why am I a phone snob? Partly because zoom is all-digital, so you lose all of the resolution. Also they add HDR/etc whereas a DSLR will take a RAW image and allow you to manipulate it carefully afterwards. They are too crass, and too clever, at the same time. And as a result you lose all control. For things like clouds, which feature dramatically in these sunset images, they crop and compress so much that it will never look convincing. For the morning boat zoom image, which looks blotchy and frankly amateurish, an image nobody would want to see: A tripod, zoom lens, and careful use of f/stop, timing and possibly an ND filter over the lens, could have been the best picture I have ever taken. But instead it's a white splodge with a bit of boat in the middle. Click IMG_20210915_085123948-fullsize.jpg to see the full-resolution original from the phone. It's awful.
There is also a Video of the summit of the Rosneath Peninsula: